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Exploring cx_Freeze Applications

While analyzing applications in the wild, you might come across a Python application bundled with cx_Freeze. It creates isolated, portable Python applications by including copies of everything the code needs. The final application is a ready-to-go .exe file that is attractive to typical users.

While cx_Freeze is used to package legitimate software, it and similar tools (like PyInstaller) are also used for disguising malware as legitimate executables. Recognizing when an application is using cx_Freeze can save valuable time when reverse engineering software.

Understanding cx_Freeze

cxfreeze takes Python code and generates a directory containing the final app. The final app is bundled with a copy of whatever Python interpreter was available on the system and a copy of any libraries the code also needs.

Here’s an example of what cx_Freeze generates on Windows:

├── app_name_here.exe
├── python311.dll
├── python3.dll
├── vcruntime140.dll
└── lib
    ├── library.zip
    └── ...

The file used to launch the application is app_name_here.exe. It doesn’t contain anything interesting, just enough to start Python and run the real program. It usually stays the same for all applications built with the same version of cx_Freeze. 1

The actual code is stored in the lib folder. Python packages required to run the program are bundled here, along with library.zip, which stores the program’s code.

Extracting compiled bytecode

The start of the Python program is in library.zip, usually in a file named app_name_here__main__.pyc containing Python bytecode. Getting the original source code from this file is usually impossible, so instead the bytecode is analyzed.

.pyc files are made of two parts: the header number and the code object.2 In modern versions of Python, the header is 16 bytes long. In Python 3.4 or lower, it was 8 bytes long. Use the correct number below.

The rest of the file is a code object dumped to binary data using marshal. To extract it, open up a Python interpreter. Preferably inside of a sandbox or lab since marshal can be exploited. Be careful, especially when doing this to real malware.

To start, import these modules:

>>> import marshal
>>> import dis

To extract the data, open the bytecode file in binary reading mode using open(), skip past the header, and read the rest of the file using marshal.

>>> with open('app_name_here__main__.pyc', 'rb') as file:
...     file.seek(16)  # header is 16 bytes in Python 3.11
...     bytecode = marshal.load(file) 

Finally, disassemble the code object by running dis:

>>> dis.dis(bytecode)
  0           0 RESUME                   0

  1           2 PUSH_NULL
              4 LOAD_NAME                0 (print)
              6 LOAD_CONST               0 ('hello world!')
              8 PRECALL                  1
             12 CALL                     1
             22 POP_TOP
             24 LOAD_CONST               1 (None)
             26 RETURN_VALUE

Understanding Python disassembly

If that example above looks unfamiliar, welcome to Python disassembly. Explaining everything here is excessive, so here’s a video explaining the basics:

Specific technical information, like opcode documentation for specific versions of Python exist in that version’s manual.

Further reading

Here are some additional videos and websites for learning more about this bytecode disassembly and Python malware analysis.

  1. It can change depending on what settings were used when running cxfreeze. Don’t rely on the checksum for detecting applications bundled with it. ↩︎

  2. Technically this is only true for CPython, but because CPython is so common, assume that interpreter is used. It’s possible but rare to bundle Cython/PyPy with cx_Freeze. ↩︎